Send Love

Shop gift cards for Mother’s Day.

Send Mom an e-gift card

The Best Gift Cards for Mother’s Day

Gyft has the perfect e-gift card for all the special moms in your life. Choose from hundreds of top brands that Mom will love, like Banana Republic, Amazon, Babies”R”Us and more! Don’t know what to get Mom? Send her the Gyft Card – the card that lets her choose from over 200 stores.

Don’t forget to add a special message and schedule the card to be sent on May 8th! How easy is that?


Send Mom an e-gift card

With Gyft, giving the best Mother’s Day gift cards has never been easier.

  • Send


    Instantly send e-gift cards to Mom and personalize it with a custom message.

  • Buy


    Choose from 200+ retailers. Pay with credit card, PayPal, Buy with Google, Apple Pay, and Bitcoin.

  • Manage


    Use the Gyft mobile app to upload plastic gift cards and manage them from your phone.

  • Redeem


    Easily redeem your gift cards in stores or online, straight from the Gyft mobile app.

Gyft is the easiest way to instantly send, buy and manage gift cards from any device!

Gyft is the easiest way to instantly send, buy and manage gift cards from any device!
    Ellen cnet Mashable Forbes Today
    • The Gyft app stores all your gift cards in one place
    • How to add almost any gift card to Passbook
    • The Gyft app stores all your gift cards in one place
    • Gyft is a no-frills gift card manager
    • Gifts on the go. The app that delivers presents on demand.

    Send gift cards to Mom from your phone!

    Send gift cards to Mom from your phone!

    Send gift cards to Mom from your phone!

    Download the free Gyft mobile app and gift on-the-go.